Fields of Interest
My main research areas are theories of race, textual studies, food studies, and gender and sexuality studies. My most recent publications include “The Origins of Raza: Racializing Difference in Early Spanish” (in Interfaces: A Journal of Medieval European Literatures 7 (2020): 64-114) as well as articles on the issue of raza and religious difference in late-medieval Spanish texts. I have also recently published studies on the use of food practices in late-medieval Spain for the purposes of racially profiling Jews and conversos and of creating social differentials. Currently, I am working on a book-length project that examines the racialization of minorities and the biologization of social difference alongside notions of limpieza or blood purity in late-medieval Iberia.
Select Recent Publications:
- “Propuestas teóricas para el estudio de la construcción conceptual de raza.” [Theoretical Considerations for the Study of the Conceptual Construction of Raza]. NaKaN: A Journal of Cultural Studies. 2024.
- “Gastronomia e sociabilidade: os usos do café no cinema espanhol” [Gastronomy and Sociability: The Uses of Coffee in Spanish Cinema]. Comer com os olhos: A experiencia culinária no cinema. Ed. Sabrina Sedlmayer, Rafael Climent-Espino, and Luiz Eduardo Andrade. Belo Horizonte, MG: Autêntica Editora, 2023. 194-210.
- “A construção conceitual de raça: propostas teóricas.” [The Conceptual Construction of Race: Theoretical Approaches]. Relações étnico-raciais na literatura basileira do século XXI: textos e contextos. Ed. Michel Mingote Ferreira de Ázara and Rafael Climent-Espino. Belo Horizonte, MG: Tradição Planalto-Pontifical University of São Paulo Press, 2023.
- “Producción literaria y redes socioprofesionales en el siglo XV.” [Literary Production and Socioprofesional Networks in the Fifteenth Century]. Transferencia y conocimiento: Humanidades, Educación y construcción del saber en la red. Ed. Antonio Cortijo Ocaña and Josep Vicent Garcia Sebastià. Barcelona-Valencia: Editorial Tirant lo Blanch, 2023. 149-192.
- “Lengua y ‘raza.’” [Language and ‘Race’]. La corónica Commons. Medieval Iberian Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. https://lcc.ku.edu/open-access/race_roundtable_kzoo23/. 2023.
- “El negro y el blanco como valores simbólicos en el Libro de buen amor.” [Black and White as Symbolic Values in the Libro de buen amor]. De la fabla al fabulare en la Edad Media. Ed. Francisco Toro Ceballos. Alcalá la Real: Centro para la Edición de los Clásicos Españoles, 2023. 139-146.
- “Raza: Terminología y conceptualización a finales de la Edad Media.” [Raza: Terminology and Conceptualization at the End of the Middle Ages]. Archivum: Revista de Filología. 72 (2022): 259-296.
- “Textual Considerations on the Metrical Typology of Fifteenth-Century Castilian Poetry: On The Cancionero de Baena.” Romance Philology 76 (2022): 115-117.
- “‘Raza’ y racialización en el tardomedievo: en torno al Cancionero de Baena.” [Race and Racialization in the Late Middle Ages: Considering the Cancionero de Baena]. Corte y poesía en tiempos de los primeros Trastámara castellanos: lecturas y relecturas. Ed. Antonio Chas Aguión. Studien zu den Romanischen Literaturen und Kulturen / Studies on Romance Literatures and Cultures. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2022. 17-46.
- “Crítica religiosa, tachas personales: las raças del Libro de buen amor.” [Religious Critique, Personal Faults: The raças of the Book of Good Love]. Mujer, saber y heterodoxia: ‘Libro de buen amor’, ‘La Celestina’ y ‘La Lozana andaluza.’ Ed. Francisco Toro Ceballos. Alcalá la Real: Centro para la Edición de los Clásicos Españoles, 2022. 163-172.
- “Establishing Biological Superiority: Food and Nobility in the Fifteenth Century.” La corónica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures 49 (2021): 51-84.
- “The Origins of Raza: Racializing Difference in Early Spanish.” Interfaces: A Journal of Medieval European Literatures7 (2020): 64-114.
Academia Web page: https://washington.academia.edu/AnaG%C3%B3mezBravo