Undergraduate Enrollment Policies and Procedures

See policies for:

100/200-Level Courses

General Policies

  • All undergraduate students who qualify for 100 or 200-level Spanish courses are eligible to register via MyUW during Period One, whether currently in the Spanish sequence or not.

  • We do not accept undergraduate overloads in our courses.  With departmental permission, on a first-come-first-served basis, we may accept one graduate student overload in each of the following language courses, SPAN 101, 102, 103, 201, 202, and 203.  Interested graduate students should request permission of the class instructor directly via e-mail, with a copy to our Graduate Advisor at spsadv@uw.edu.

  • If a class is full, students should sign up for Notify.UW service https://notify.uw.edu/tos/ and keep checking the Time Schedule through the third day of the quarter for possible openings.

  • For more detailed information regarding this process, please Adding a 100/200 Level Course.

  • Students may not enroll in our courses after the third day of the quarter.

  • Audits are not allowed in our language courses.

  • Repeats in language courses are usually not allowed. A maximum of one repeat in 103 may be considered if resulting from unforeseen circumstances.

  • Students may only enroll in one Spanish or Portuguese grammar course at a time.

SPAN 121-122-123

The Spanish 121-122-123 series is offered through Professional and Continuing Education (PCE), outside of our department.  Please contact UW PCE or Humanities Academic Services (HAS) at has-center@uw.edu.

300/400-Level Courses

General Policies

  • Typically, only Spanish majors may register during Period 1 for SPAN 302 and above.  Any exceptions to this are noted in the section notes in the Time Schedule.

  • We do not accept undergraduate overloads in our courses.  With departmental permission, on a first-come-first-served basis, we may accept one graduate student overload in each of our language courses, i.e. SPAN 301, 302, 303, 313, 314, 315, and 316.  Interested graduate students should request permission of the class instructor directly via email, with a copy to our Graduate Advisor at spsadv@uw.edu.

  • If a class is full, undergraduate students should sign up for Notify.UW service https://notify.uw.edu/tos/ and keep checking the Time Schedule through the third day of the quarter for possible openings in courses offered daily, and through the first week of the quarter, for those offered twice weekly.

  • For more detailed information regarding this process, please see Adding a 300/400 Level Course.

  • Students may not enroll in courses taught daily after the third day of the quarter.

  • Students may not enroll in courses taught twice weekly after the seventh day of the quarter.

  • Audits are not allowed in our language courses.

  • Generally, repeating courses is not permitted.  Intended Spanish majors who earned less than a 2.5 in any Spanish class, should make an appointment to meet with the adviser before registering for Spanish classes the following quarter.  Example:  a student who earned a 2.0 in SPAN 203 should contact Humanities Academic Services (HAS) has-center@uw.edu prior to enrolling in SPAN 301,

SPAN 301

SPAN 301 is open during Period One registration for the following quarter, to any matriculated student who has taken SPAN 203, is currently registered in SPAN 203, or meets the minimum placement test score.

SPAN 314-315-316

Open to heritage Spanish speakers only. Contact Dr. AngĂ©lica Amezcua (aamezcua@uw.edu) for eligibility in these courses. Registration is by entry code only.
