Opportunities and Resources for Students

There are several opportunities for support and assistance for students of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Washington.  The following is a non-exhaustive list of resources on campus and off campus.

Financial Resources and Awards

Undergraduate Textbook Fund

The Spanish and Portuguese Studies Textbook Fund is meant to cover or defray the cost of textbooks needed for your courses in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies.  Requests must be made during the first two weeks of the quarter and meet the following criteria to be eligible for funding:

  1. You must be a current declared major or minor in the Department.
  2. The textbook must be required for the course by your instructor.
  3. You must currently be enrolled in the course for which the textbook is required. 

To apply for this funding, please fill out this web form (link active only during the first two weeks of the quarter), uploading a receipt showing (1) your name; (2) the vendor (where you purchased it); and (3) proof of the purchase (generally speaking, your credit or debit card with last four numbers included—this should be on any receipt).

Undergraduate Essay Prize

The Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies established the Spanish and Portuguese Studies Undergraduate Essay Prize, the first undergraduate essay prize on campus for essays written in languages other than English!  Entry into the competition is by faculty nomination of outstanding essays written during the past year, and prize recipients are chosen by the department's Undergraduate Awards Committee.  Prize amounts typically range from $300 to $600.

2023 - 2024 Essay Prize Winners:

  • Nicholas Bradley, nominated by Professor Rodríguez Argente, for the essay "Textos aljamiados"
  • Mariana Li Chen, nominated by Professor Mercer, for the essay "Yerma"
  • Isabella Garrido, nominated by Professor Jaffee, for the essay "Composicíon Comparativa 1"
  • Alysa Meng, nominated by Professor Hochberg, for the essay "El corrido de Camila"

Susan B. Johnson Memorial Scholarship

The Susan B. Johnson Memorial Scholarship is created through a generous endowment established in the memory of Susan B. Johnson, a longtime friend of the department.  This scholarship is intended to support UW students participating in a UW study abroad program in Spain.  The scholarship application is announced in late Fall, and award recipients are typically notified by mid December. 


Academic Resources


UW Libraries

    • UW Libraries: The exact hours of any specific library branch can vary depending on location and time of year (e.g. which quarter it is or if UW is between quarters, etc.). For specific information about UW Libraries System operations check the UW Libraries Operation webpage.

Online Learning Guides and Resources

Technology Resources

Opportunities for Students of Portuguese


The bate-papo is a great opportunity for anyone wanting to practice their spoken Portuguese. Meetups are usually off-campus, all levels are welcome!  Contact Portuguese Senior Lecturer Eduardo Viana da Silva (evsliva@uw.edu) for more.

Scholarship Opportunities for Portuguese

Scholarship opportunities are available to students of Portuguese through FLAS, Boren, and CLS (external links).

Boren Scholarship

Established in 1991, the Boren Undergraduate Scholarship provides funding opportunities for U.S. students to study languages and world regions critical to U.S. interests. Visit the Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships and Awards page for additional information.

Critical Language Scholarship

The CLS Program is part of a U.S. government effort to expand dramatically the number of Americans studying and mastering critical foreign languages. Students of diverse disciplines and majors are encouraged to apply. Participants are expected to continue their language study beyond the scholarship period, and later apply their critical language skills in their future professional careers.

Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship

FLAS Fellowships support undergraduate, graduate and professional students in acquiring modern foreign languages and area or international studies competencies.  Students from all UW departments and schools are encouraged to apply.  Visit the Jackson School of international Studies program page for more information.

Financial Resources and Grants

Grants for North American Language & Culture Assistants in Spain

This grant gives students at the Intermediate or Advanced level of Spanish the opportunity to learn about Spanish language and culture by living in Spain and serving as an assistant of English in the Spanish public school system. For more information, please visit Spain's Ministry of Education webpage.

The Mary Gates Endowment

Every year, the Mary Gates Endowment awards Research, Leadership, Venture, and Honors scholarships to hundreds of University of Washington students. These scholarships give students the opportunity to engage in activities outside the classroom, thereby enhancing their undergraduate experience. For more information, please visit the Mary Gates Endowment webpage.

Emergency Financial Resources for Students

      • Emergency Aid for currently enrolled students, available to students of all three campuses.
      • The Office of Student Financial Aid has short term loans available for students with temporary cash flow issues, up to $2500 for undergraduates, and up to $3200 for graduate students.

Health & Safety Resources

Mental Health

Bias Incidents and Discrimination

Undocumented Persons

Resources for Food Instability

      • UW Food Pantry: Open three days a week, and located in Poplar Hall, the UW Food Pantry provides food assistance to students, staff and faculty who may be experiencing food instability.
      • University District Food Bank serves residents of zip codes 98102, 98103, 98105, 98112, 98115, and 98125.
      • Northwest Harvest Community Food Bank in SODO: this food bank offers pre-bagged produce, prepared foods, and shelf-stable groceries at the door, with no need to enter the grocery area, as well as curbside pickup.
      • Food Lifeline: Locate a food bank near you.

Professional Development

Experiential Learning / Service Learning

The Department of Spanish & Portuguese Studies offers students the opportunity to participate in an Experiential Learning project, in which they combine study with service to the Spanish-speaking community. For more information, please visit our Service Learning page.
