Changing demographics nationally and locally lend a new urgency to our mission to study language, literatures, and cultures. Join us today as we strive to create knowledgeable and compassionate citizens, and foster in them tolerance, respect for cultural diversity, a capacity for critical thinking, and a sense of themselves as responsible members of a global community.
The Friends of Spanish and Portuguese Studies Fund is an unrestricted, discretionary resource. These funds are vital in sustaining scholarships, undergraduate research, faculty development, and the many cultural events the department sponsors each year. Your gift will provide valuable resources for the department and its students to advance the Spanish and Portuguese languages and literatures and cultures of Spain, Portugal, Latin America and US Latinos.
Other Department of Spanish and Portuguese funds include:
- León Bensadon Scholarship Fund
- Susan B. Johnson Memorial Endowment
- Spanish and Portuguese Studies Graduate Student Fund
You can contribute to the Friends of Spanish and Portuguese Fund and the other funds in our department using the form below.