
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Fernández Dobao, Ana. (2020). Collaborative writing in mixed classes: what do heritage and second language learners think? Foreign Language Annals, 53/1, 48-68. Publications, Articles
Fernández Dobao, Ana. (2020). Exploring interaction between heritage and second language learners in the Spanish language classroom: Opportunities for collaborative dialogue and learning. In N. Storch & W. Suzuki (Eds.), Languaging in language learning and teaching: A collection of empirical studies (pp. 91-110). John Benjamins. Publications, Articles
Fernández–Dobao, A. (2023). “Pero yo también estoy aprendiendo”: Negotiating expert and novice positions in heritage–second language learner interaction. Modern Language Journal, 107, 1–23. Publications, Articles
Geist, Anthony, and Monleón, José B. (Eds). Modernism and Its Margins: Reinscribing Cultural Modernity from Spain and Latin America.  Routledge: 1999. Publications, Books
Geist, Anthony.  They Still Draw Pictures: Children's Art in Wartime from the Spanish Civil War to Kosovo. 2002. Publications, Books
Gilbert-Santamaria, Donald.  The Poetics of Friendship in Early Modern Spain: A Study in Literary Form.  Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020. Publications, Books
Gilbert-Santamaria, Donald.  Writers on the Market: Consuming Literature in Early Seventeenth-Century Spain.  Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2005. Publications, Books
Hochberg, Elizabeth L. "Escribiendo entre sonidos: radiodifusión y música concreta en tres cuentos de Amparo Dávila." Un mundo de sombras camina a mi lado. Estudios críticos de la obra de Amparo Dávila, eds. Claudia L. Gutiérrez Piña, et. al., Universidad de Guanajuato; Editorial Colofón, 2019, pp. 339-373. Publications, Articles
Hochberg, Elizabeth L. "Lectores de imágenes en tiempos de revolución: 'Descomedidos y chascones' (1973) de Carlos Flores." Kamchatka. Revista de análisis cultural, no. 17, 2021, pp. 217-248. doi: 10.7203/KAM.17.17690 . Publications, Articles
Hochberg, Elizabeth L. "Nuevas experiencias de lectura para la Unidad Popular: la 'novela tabloide' ...Y corría el billete (1972) de Guillermo Atías." Revista Chilena de Literatura, no. 102, 2020, pp. 437-466. . Publications, Articles
Hough-Snee, Dexter and Eduardo V. da Silva, (Editors). Estudios de sátira hispanoamericana colonial & Estudos da sátira do Brasil-Colonia. "De estranhos casos que jamais pintaram" a "despoblados extensos" Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2015. 310 pp. Publications, Books
José Francisco Robles, Polemics, Literature, and Knowledge in Eighteenth-Century Mexico: A New World for the Republic of Letters. Voltaire Foundation (U. of Oxford) / Liverpool University Press, Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment, 2021. Winner of the 2022 Louis Gottschalk Prize for the best scholarly book on an eighteenth-century subject awarded by the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS). Publications, Books
Kinzer, Kent and Eduardo Viana da Silva. “Portuguese on the sound” Language Magazine, The Journal of Communication and Education, vol. 15, no. 11, 2016. Publications, Articles
Landolfi, Fernanda, Cibelle da Silva Santiago, Eduardo Viana da Silva, and Janaynna de Moura Ferraz (eds.) As transformações no mundo do trabalho. SCRIBES, Brazilian Journal of Management and Secretarial Studies, vol. 2, no 1, 2021. Publications, Articles, Projects
Mercer, Leigh. Urbanism and Urbanity: The Spanish Bourgeois Novel and Contemporary Customs (1845-1925). Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP, 2013. Publications, Books
Mercer, Leigh.  An Incoherent Voyage: Spanish Cinema Pioneers, Between Technophilia and Technophobia. Publications, Books
Miralles M., Branda S. (2017) "Memorable learning experiences promoted by student- teachers from Residencia Docente I in the English Teacher Education Program of the UNMdP: A case study at provincial primary school Nº6 Bartolomé Mitre, in Mar del Plata city". Nacional University of Mar del Plata, ISBN 978-987- 544-778-3 Publications, Articles
Myer, Justine and Eduardo Viana da Silva. “Promoting attitudes of openness: Intercultural Communicative Competence in a Brazilian-American university exchange” Portuguese Language Journal. vol.14, 2020. pp. 28-47. Publications, Articles
Robles, José Francisco. Polemics, Literature, and Knowledge in Eighteenth-Century Mexico: A New World for the Republic of Letters. Voltaire Foundation (U. of Oxford), Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment, 2021. Publications, Books
Rueda, Antonio M. "¿Soy gitana?: Staging Romani Identity in Lope de Vega's El Arenal de Sevilla (1603)". Forthcoming in Hispanic Review Publications, Articles
Rueda, Antonio M.  (2017) “From Bozal to Mulata: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of the Black African Female Slave in Early Modern Spanish Theater.” Critical Multilingualism Studies 5:2: pp. 87–110.  Publications, Articles
Rueda, Antonio M. (2012). “Albrecht von Wallenstein según Calderón y Coello: verdad y poesía en El prodigio de Alemania (1634)”. Bulletin of the Comediantes 64.1: 89-110. Publications, Articles
Rueda, Antonio M. (2018) “Don Quijote en Barcelona: una explicación del viaje a Cataluña”. El Segundo Quijote (1615): Nuevas interpretaciones cuatro siglos después. Eds. Conxita Domènech y Andrés Lema-Hincapié. Madrid; Frankfurt: Iberoamericana; Vervuert: 327-348.  Publications, Articles
Rueda, Antonio M. (2022). “El prodigio de Alemania de Calderón de la Barca y Antonio Coello: teatro y propaganda política durante la Guerra de los Treinta Años". Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica, 70.1: 127-168.  Publications, Articles
Sánchez-Muñoz, A. & Amezcua, A. (2019). Spanish as a tool of Latinx resistance against repression in a hostile political climate. Chiricú Journal: Latina/o Literature, Arts and Cultures, 3(2), 59-76. doi:10.2979/chiricu.3.2.05 Publications, Articles