Fields of Interest
Since coming to the University of Washington my teaching responsibilities have expanded to include a remarkable array of classes, from language to content courses. I have taught a great many Spanish courses at all levels of language, at the 100, 200 and 300. The opportunity to teach at all these levels of the language program has allowed me to be comfortable in a variety of teaching contexts. I also regularly teach content courses: SPAN 360, Contemporary Spain, and SPAN 322 Hispanic Cultural Studies.
In collaboration with the Center for Spanish Studies, Aula Cervantes, the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) and the University of Washington, I regularly design and teach every year a four-hour Professional Development Workshop for Washington High School Teachers of Spanish. To continue with my sustained record of contributions to the teaching mission of the University, I have served as a UW in the High School (UWHS) coordinator and liaison. My primarily role is to mentor, guide and train high school teachers in the methodology and pedagogy used in the Spanish Department. I observe high school teachers in their classrooms to ensure that the Spanish courses taught in each participating high school are of the same intellectual rigor, academic quality and curriculum expectations as the courses taught on campus. I also participate in the annual one-day professional development training for the teachers of the State of Washington who take part of the UWHS program.
In addition to voluntary participation in seminars, workshops and other pedagogical activities, I have been active attending and presenting papers at various national and international professional conferences, including the Washington Association of Foreign Language Teachers (WAFLT), the Confederation in Oregon for Language Teaching (COFLT), and national conferences like the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP) focusing on the teaching of second language acquisition, pedagogy and methodology as well as the Modern Language Association (MLA) first Language and Literature Program Innovation Forum. All these presentations are connected to my teaching as a scholarly activity. In 2014 I branched out into secondary education teacher training by setting up an intensive summer seminar for high school teachers seeking to strengthen their Spanish skills and further their knowledge of Spanish culture in the state of Washington through the UW Professional and Continuing Education Program. instructional strategies, lessons and thematic units to implement with students in their classrooms.
Digital Textbook for SPAN 360 Contemporary Spain
With a desire to meet the needs of my students, make their learning more active, and better engage them with the course material, I have created an interactive, up-to-date content and media-rich digital textbook, Política, cultura y Sociedad en la España Contemporánea.
Using my own digital textbook means that I can constantly update or change content. I am able to enhance students' learning experiences by incorporating multimedia elements such as visual content, YouTube videos, podcasts, and links to research and news articles within the textbook, thus deeply engaging them with the material.
My primary objective with this project has been to enhance the learning journey for my students, encouraging them to become active participants in their education. Through the use of a digital textbook, I provide them with a more effective and engaging active learning experience where they assume responsibility for their own learning. Instead of passively consuming information, they actively engage with the content, allowing them to form their own opinions.
My passion for teaching derives from my lifelong passion for learning. One of my greatest hopes as a Teaching Professor is to inculcate an enduring quest for knowledge in my students. As a teacher, I listen to my students and learn how to teach based not only on their reception of the material, but based on their interest. In other words, by listening to my students and observing how they learn, I am able to evolve in my own teaching. My goal is to equip them with the tools to communicate linguistically and culturally with others, and connect in a positive way with an ever-increasing diverse and pluralistic American society and an interconnected world. In other words, I want them to become active, responsible and successful participants (citizens) in a 21st century.
The University of Washington Spanish and Portuguese Department’s goals “to create knowledgeable and compassionate citizens, and foster in them tolerance, respect for cultural diversity, a capacity for critical thinking, and a sense of themselves as responsible members of a global community” are the ones I constantly strive for in my own teaching. In 2017 I was the recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Award.