Fernández Dobao, A. (2024) Discursive positioning in heritage-second language learner interaction: A case study of the dynamic construction of linguistic expertise. Language Teaching Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/1362168824126.* |
Publications, Articles |
Applied Linguistics, Language Pedagogy, Second Language Acquisition |
Palacios Martínez, I. & Fernández Dobao, A. (2024). La flexión de género en ELE. Aportaciones e implicaciones didácticas de un estudio de corpus. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas, 19, 132-147. https://doi.org/10.4995/rlyla.2024.19337 |
Publications, Articles |
Applied Linguistics, Language Pedagogy, Second Language Acquisition |
Fernández–Dobao, A. (2023). “Pero yo también estoy aprendiendo”:
Negotiating expert and novice positions in heritage–second language learner interaction.
Modern Language Journal, 107, 1–23. https://doi.org/10.1111/modl.12882 |
Publications, Articles |
Applied Linguistics, Language Pedagogy, Second Language Acquisition |
Amezcua, A., Brandl, A., Durán Urrea, E. & Rodriguez, E. (2021. The switch to remote instruction in Spanish heritage language courses: Why social presence matters. EuroAmerican Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages. |
Publications, Articles |
Applied Linguistics, Spanish |
Bernstein, K., Katznelson, N., Amezcua, A., Mohamed, S., & Diaz, S. (2020). Equity/Social justice, instrumentalism/neoliberalism; Dueling discourses of dual language in principals’ talk about their programs. TESOL Quarterly. DOI: 10.1002/tesq.582 |
Publications, Articles |
Applied Linguistics, Spanish |
Beaudrie, S., Amezcua, A., & Loza, S. (2020). Critical Language Awareness in the heritage language classroom: Design, implementation, and evaluation of a curricular intervention. International Multilingual Research Journal. DOI: 10.1080/19313152.2020.1753931 |
Publications, Articles |
Applied Linguistics, Spanish |
Salomão, A. C. B., & Viana da Silva, E. (2020). The application of the Global Competence Matrix in a virtual exchange program with US and Brazilian students. Journal of Virtual Exchange, 3 (SI-IVEC2019), 1-12. |
Publications, Articles |
Applied Linguistics, Culture, Portuguese |
Fernández Dobao, Ana. (2020). Exploring interaction between heritage and second language learners in the Spanish language classroom: Opportunities for collaborative dialogue and learning. In N. Storch & W. Suzuki (Eds.), Languaging in language learning and teaching: A collection of empirical studies (pp. 91-110). John Benjamins. |
Publications, Articles |
Applied Linguistics, Language Pedagogy, Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, Spanish |
Fernández Dobao, Ana. (2020). Collaborative writing in mixed classes: what do heritage and second language learners think? Foreign Language Annals, 53/1, 48-68. |
Publications, Articles |
Applied Linguistics, Language Pedagogy, Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, Spanish |
Sánchez-Muñoz, A. & Amezcua, A. (2019). Spanish as a tool of Latinx resistance against repression in a hostile political climate. Chiricú Journal: Latina/o Literature, Arts and Cultures, 3(2), 59-76. doi:10.2979/chiricu.3.2.05 |
Publications, Articles |
Applied Linguistics, Spanish |
Fernández Dobao, Ana. (2018). Code switching in the Spanish heritage language classroom: communicative and cognitive functions. In R. Alonso Alonso (Ed.), Speaking in a second language (pp. 175-196). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. |
Publications, Articles |
Applied Linguistics, Language Pedagogy, Linguistics, Spanish |
Viana da Silva, Eduardo; Svetlana Abramova; Michele Aoki; and Bridget Yaden. “Getting to Advanced: Challenging Heritage Language Learners to Step Outside Their Comfort Zone.” The Language Educator. (vol. 8, n. 3). American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages: New York, March 2018. |
Publications, Articles |
Applied Linguistics, Education, Portuguese |
Fernández Dobao, Ana. (2016). Peer interaction and learning: A focus on the silent learner. In M. Sato and S. Ballinger (Eds.), Peer interaction and second language learning: pedagogical potential and research agenda (pp. 33-61). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. |
Publications, Articles |
Applied Linguistics, Language Pedagogy, Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, Spanish |
Ascaso, S. y Vílchez, A., Anécdotas de deportistas del mundo hispano. Aprendizaje a través de un género textual: la anécdota. Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Spanisch Nr. 48/2015. |
Publications |
Applied Linguistics, Language Pedagogy, Second Language Acquisition, Spanish, Writing Pedagogy |
"Anécdotas de deportistas del mundo hispano. Aprendizaje a través de un género textual: la anécdota". Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Spanisch Nr. 48/2015. Samanta Ascaso and Alberto Vílchez. |
Publications, Articles |
Applied Linguistics, Culture, Education, Spanish, Textual Studies |
Fernández Dobao, Ana. (2014). Vocabulary learning in collaborative tasks: A comparison of pair and small group work. Language Teaching Research, 18/4, 497-520. |
Publications, Articles |
Applied Linguistics, Language Pedagogy, Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, Spanish |
Fernández Dobao, Ana. (2014). Attention to form in collaborative writing tasks: Comparing pair and small group interaction. Canadian Modern Language Review, 70/2, 158-187 |
Publications, Articles |
Applied Linguistics, Language Pedagogy, Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, Spanish |
Fernández Dobao, Ana & Avram Blum. (2013). Collaborative writing in pairs and small groups: Learners’ attitudes and perceptions. System, 41/2, 365-378. |
Publications, Articles |
Applied Linguistics, Language Pedagogy, Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, Spanish |
Fernández Dobao, Ana. (2012). Collaborative writing tasks in the L2 classroom: Comparing group, pair, and individual work. Journal of Second Language Writing, 21/1, 40-58. |
Publications, Articles |
Applied Linguistics, Language Pedagogy, Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, Spanish |
Fernández Dobao, Ana. (2012). Collaborative dialogue in learner-learner and learner-native speaker interaction. Applied Linguistics, 33/3, 229-256. |
Publications, Articles |
Applied Linguistics, Language Pedagogy, Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, Spanish |
Viana da Silva, Eduardo. Bate-Papo: An Introduction to Portuguese. Press Books UW Libraries: Seatlle, WA. |
Publications, Books, Projects |
Applied Linguistics, Education, Portuguese |