Author/Title |
Research Type |
Related Fields |
Rueda, Antonio M. (2024) "¿Soy gitana?: Staging Romani Identity in Lope de Vega's El Arenal de Sevilla (1603)". Forthcoming in Hispanic Review. |
Publications, Articles |
16th Century, 17th Century, Diaspora Studies, Hispanic Studies, Literature, Literature and Other Arts, Race and Ethnicity, Spanish |
Gilbert-Santamaria, Donald. The Poetics of Friendship in Early Modern Spain: A Study in Literary Form. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020. |
Publications, Books |
16th Century, 17th Century, Comparative Literature, Drama, Hispanic Studies, Literary Criticism, Literature, Spanish, West European |
Ana M. Gómez-Bravo. “Material Poetry and the Compiler’s Textual Self: Compilation and Textual Agency in Hernando del Castillo and Garcia de Resende.” Calíope: The Journal of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry 23 (2018): 21-43. |
Publications, Articles |
16th Century, Music, Poetry and Poetics |
Rueda, Antonio M. (2018) “Don Quijote en Barcelona: una explicación del viaje a Cataluña”. El Segundo Quijote (1615): Nuevas interpretaciones cuatro siglos después. Eds. Conxita Domènech y Andrés Lema-Hincapié. Madrid; Frankfurt: Iberoamericana; Vervuert: 327-348. |
Publications, Articles |
16th Century, 17th Century, Linguistics, Literature, Literature and Other Arts |
Ferrer-Lightner, M. "La aurora en Copacabana: Guacolda from Vestal Virgin to Virginal Model,” in The Other America: Female Amerindians in Early Modern Spanish Theater. Ed. Gladys Robalino. Bucknell UP, 2014. Print. |
Publications, Articles |
16th Century, 17th Century, Hispanic Studies, Literature |
Ferrer-Lightner, M. “Moneda de regne estrany: veus i identitats” (Currency from Far Away Lands: Voices and Identities), Interrogating Gazes. European University Studies. Peter Lang: Bern, CH, June 2013. Print. |
Publications, Articles |
16th Century, Hispanic Studies, Literature, Spanish |