Spanish 203 - Quizzes and Exams

There are three quizzes and three written exams in this course, one per chapter. There will be no final exam.

The three quizzes count as 10% of your final grade. They will be 20 minutes long and will consist of multiple choice questions designed to test your knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary of the chapter. These quizzes are completed online, via Canvas, before the beginning of class, on the dates posted on the course calendar. You will have 23 hours to complete each quiz. Plan your calendar accordingly and make sure to complete the quizzes on time, whether you are in class or not on the date they are assigned.

The three exams count as 20% of your final grade. They will be 50 minutes long and will have four sections: listening, vocabulary and grammar use, reading, and writing. The activities in each section will reflect the activities done in and out of class. Exams are completed in class, on the dates posted on the course calendar.

Make-ups will be given only in case of justified absences and, whenever possible, must be arranged with the teacher before the date of the quiz or exam.

If you are missing a quiz or exam because your are sick, let your teacher know, via email, as soon as possible. You should NOT provide medical documentation as proof of short-term illness to justify your absence.

If you are a student athlete, in the national guard, or are missing a quiz or exam because of a UW mandatory academic activity, you need to provide your instructor with proper documentation.

Your work schedule is not a justified reason to miss a quiz or exam.

Personal trips or vacations are not a justified reason to miss a quiz or exam.

If you are a DRS student or need religious accommodations, please visit the main page of the course syllabus for more detailed information on UW policies and resources.
