La isla blanca. Santiago, Chile: Libros de la Calabaza del Diablo, 2024 (Poetry) |
Publications, Books |
Poetry and Poetics, Spanish |
Especies. Granada: Valparaíso Ediciones, 2022 (Poetry) |
Publications, Books |
Poetry and Poetics, Spanish |
“Multum in parvo: pequeños animales voladores en algunos sonetos de Luis de Sandoval Zapata.” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 99.5 (2022): 471-88. |
Publications, Articles |
17th Century, Aesthetics, Comparative Literature, Hispanic Studies, Latin American, Literary Criticism, Literature, Literature and Other Arts, Poetry and Poetics, Spanish |
Vicente Huidobro. Poetry Is a Celestial Attack. / La poesía es un atentado celeste. Bilingual edition. Selection, Translation, and Introduction: Elizabeth L. Hochberg and José Francisco Robles. Santiago: Fundación Vicente Huidobro - University of Washington- RIL Editores, 2022. |
Publications, Translations |
Latin American, Poetry and Poetics, Translation and Interpretation |
Ana M. Gómez-Bravo. “Female (Co)Authorship in Cancionero Poetry.” Revista de Literatura Medieval 30 (2018): 153-172. |
Publications, Articles |
Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Music, Poetry and Poetics |
Ana M. Gómez-Bravo. “Material Poetry and the Compiler’s Textual Self: Compilation and Textual Agency in Hernando del Castillo and Garcia de Resende.” Calíope: The Journal of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry 23 (2018): 21-43. |
Publications, Articles |
16th Century, Music, Poetry and Poetics |
Soleimani, Khosro Raúl. Hijo de Latacunga. Seattle. 2017. |
Publications, Projects |
Poetry and Poetics, Spanish |
“El cielo de la Nueva España: astrología, astronomía y ficciones virreinales.” Textos, imágenes y símbolos. Lengua y cultura en la América virreinal. Ed. Ángela Helmer. Vervuert- Iberoamericana, 2017. 73-102. |
Publications, Articles |
17th Century, 18th Century, Culture, Hispanic Studies, Intellectual History, Latin American, Literature, Philosophy, Poetry and Poetics, Science and Technology |
“Filosofía, ciencia y literatura en el siglo XVIII.” Historia crítica de la literatura chilena. Vol. 1: Literatura colonial. Ed. Grínor Rojo and Carol Arcos. Santiago de Chile: LOM, 2017. 253- 82. |
Publications, Articles |
18th Century, Culture, Education, Hispanic Studies, Intellectual History, Latin American, Literature, Philosophy, Poetry and Poetics, Science and Technology |
Ana M. Gómez-Bravo. “Situation and Textual Mediation: Toward a Material Poetics of the Fifteenth-Century Lyric.” La corónica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures 41 (2013): 35-60. |
Publications, Articles |
Medieval, Poetry and Poetics |
Varela, Blanca. "Weddings / Bodas". Trans. Emily Thompson. HOOT. 22: July 2013. Online. |
Publications, Translations |
Latin American, Poetry and Poetics, Translation and Interpretation |
“Contrabando, piratería y pedagogía: Espejo de Paciencia (1608) de Silvestre de Balboa, primer poema escrito en la isla de Cuba.” Radiografía del Espejo: once miradas en busca de un perfil. Antología de ensayos sobre Espejo de Paciencia. Ed. Jorge Luis Rodríguez. Villa Clara, Cuba: Sed de Belleza, 2011 |
Publications, Articles |
17th Century, Caribbean, Culture, Hispanic Studies, Latin American, Literary Criticism, Literature, Poetry and Poetics, Spanish |
Ana M. Gómez-Bravo. Repertorio métrico de la poesía cancioneril castellana del siglo XV. Alcalá de Henares: Universidad de Alcalá de Henares,1998. |
Publications, Books |
Medieval, Music, Poetry and Poetics |