Ana Fernández Dobao (she/her/hers)

Associate Professor, Spanish; Language Program Director

Contact Information

PDL B-233
Office Hours
Th 12:00-1:00 pm and by appointment


Ph.D., University of Santiago de Compostela, 2005
Curriculum Vitae (205.33 KB)

Dr. Fernández Dobao is an Associate Professor in the Spanish and Portuguese Studies Department and an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics. She is the Director of the UW Spanish Language Program, a core faculty member of the Graduate Certificate in Second and Foreign Language Teaching, and a member of the Committee on Multilingual Teaching, Research, and Learning.

Dr. Fernández Dobao’s area of specialization is applied linguistics with a focus on second language acquisition, heritage language learning, and foreign language pedagogy. In her research, she explores second and heritage language learning in instructed settings. She is currently working on a project that examines positioning practices and language learning opportunities in the interaction between second and heritage language learners in mixed classes. She is also collaborating in a study on the acquisition of the minority language by children in a Spanish/English dual immersion setting.

ResearchGate website:

Google scholar webiste:


Selected Research

Courses Taught

Autumn 2024

Autumn 2023

Additional Courses

Winter 2020, 2021, 2022, 2024:

  • LING 449 A: Second Language Learning
  • LING 549 A: Second Language Learning


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