News Archive

Image Title Published
Students in Leon, on a bridge in the countryside.
Announcing the First Susan B. Johnson Memorial Scholarship Recipients!
Cover of Book Polemics, Literature, and Knowledge in Eighteenth-Century Mexico
Prof. Robles Awarded Gottschalk Prize by ASECS
Photograph of Dra. Angélica Amezcua
New to the Department: Dra. Angélica Amezcua
Photo of Elizabeth Hochberg
New to the Department: Dr. Elizabeth Hochberg
Tének people walking in their community
Tének: Images of a Language and its Culture
Brianna Salinas in Leni K.
Student Spotlight: Brianna Salinas
Zoom Meeting Image
SPS Adapts to All-Online Teaching
Cover of the Book Cartographies Of Madrid
Scholars Discuss Cartographies Of Madrid
Senior Lecturers Marilis Mediavilla and Sabrina Spannagel presented at the 2019 WAFLT Conference
Active Faculty Present at Conferences
Raneda, Rueda and Gonzalez Casanova Present at Center for Teaching and Learning Symposium
SPS Faculty Present at Center for Teaching and Learning Symposium