Spanish 110 -Group Projects

You will complete three group projects in this course, in chapters 2, 4 and 6. These three group projects count as 10% of your final grade.

Group projects are completed in groups of three students, in class, on the dates posted on the course calendar.

Group projects are completed collaboratively, which means that all the students in the group are responsible for all the work and will therefore receive the same grade.

If you cannot complete a group project on the due dates because of a justified reason, you may complete the project individually. You need to contact your teacher as soon as possible to discuss  alternatives.


  Excellent (A) Good (B) Fair (C) Poor (D) Unsatisfactory (E)
Collaboratively written text:          
Content, organization, and creativity (30 points) 30 - 27 26 - 24 23 - 21 20 - 18 17 - 0
Language use (50 points) 50 - 45 44 - 40 39 - 35 34 - 30 29 - 0
Collaborative writing process:          
Collaboration and effort (20 points) 20 - 18 17 - 16 15 - 14 13 - 12 11 - 0

VERY IMPORTANT: If a student has not completed the homework assigned by the teacher in order to prepare for the group project, they will lose 5 points in Collaboration and effort. If a student does not collaborate with their group, the teacher reserves the right to assign them a lower grade than the rest of the group or ask them to submit an individual version of the project.

While completing your group project, you can use a dictionary and check the grammar charts in your textbook, but you ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE AN ONLINE TRANSLATION PROGRAM or a chatbot such as CHAG GPT. This will be considered CHEATING.

EXCELLENT: All instructions provided by the teacher are followed carefully; required format and length; very complete information; ideas supported with detail and evidence: logically and clearly organized information; fully cohesive text; text content and format is highly creative and attractive; visual aids are used effectively and appropriately (as requested by the prompt).
GOOD: Follows most of the instructions provided by the teacher; required format and length; adequate information; some ideas lack supporting detail or evidence; mostly logically and clearly organized information; very cohesive text; text content and format is creative and attractive; visual aids are appropriate (as requested by the prompt).
FAIR: Follows some of the instructions provided by the teacher; format acceptable; almost required length; limited information; lack of supporting detail or evidence; lacks logical sequencing of ideas; ineffective ordering; cohesion problems; text content and format lacks creativity; ineffective use of visual aids (as requested by the prompt).
POOR: Follows very few of the instructions provided by the teacher; format not acceptable; too short; minimal information; inappropriate or irrelevant information; disconnected ideas; no apparent order to the content; lack of cohesion; minimal or no use of visual aids (as requested by the prompt).
UNSATISFACTORY: Not enough information to evaluate.

EXCELLENT: Precise and accurate use of grammar and vocabulary presented in lesson; rich and varied vocabulary; almost no errors or no errors at all in grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation.
GOOD: Several examples of grammar and vocabulary presented in lesson; limited variety of vocabulary; few errors in grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation; errors do not hinder understanding.
FAIR: A few accurate examples of grammar and vocabulary presented in lesson; some words are used repetitively; frequent errors in grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation; some errors hinder understanding.
POOR: Very few accurate examples of grammar and vocabulary presented in lesson; use of English words, literal translations and invented words; very frequent errors in grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation; errors make understanding difficult.
UNSATISFACTORY: Not enough information to evaluate; message is incomprehensible.

EXCELLENT: All members of the group actively contribute and do an equal amount of work; students work collaboratively in all phases of the project and all sections of the text; students make an effort to maximize the use of Spanish resorting to English only when strictly necessary; students come to class prepared to collaborate, having completed the homework assigned by the teacher.*
GOOD: All members of the group actively contribute but some do more work than others; students work collaboratively in all phases of the project and all sections of the text; students make an effort to use Spanish resorting to English sporadically; students come to class prepared to collaborate, having completed the homework assigned by the teacher.
FAIR: Not all members of the group are contributing actively; students word independently in some of the sections of the text and/or phases of the project; English use is not kept to a minimum; students come to class prepared to collaborate, having completed the homework assigned by the teacher.
POOR: Some members of the group do not contribute; students work independently in different sections of the text and do not edit their final work to avoid repetitions and mismatches; students communicated mostly in English; students come to class prepared to collaborate, having completed the homework assigned by the teacher.
UNSATISFACTORY: Not enough information to evaluate; no evidence of actual collaboration.

*If a student did not complete the preparation activity assigned as homework, this student will be penalized with a lower grade than the rest of the group.
