Spanish 101 - Course Objectives

Following the National Standards for Foreign Language Learning the objectives for the first-year, elementary-level, Spanish language series are organized around five main areas:

COMMUNICATION. At the end of the 100-level series students will have acquired a novice high/intermediate low proficiency level, which means they will be able to handle successfully a variety of basic communicative tasks necessary for survival in a Spanish speaking context. More specifically, students completing SPANISH 101 will be able to:

  • Introduce themselves to others
  • Exchange personal information
  • Introduce yourself in writing on an online platform
  • Identify topics of interest
  • Ask and answer questions about basic information
  • Express likes and dislikes
  • Make an infographic introducing an influential person or celebrity
  • Talk about everyday topics such as their studies, their family, and activities in their free time
  • Talk about future plans
  • Express degree
  • Talk about abilities and knowledge
  • Write a cover letter to apply for a Spanish study abroad program


CULTURES. Students will have gained a deeper knowledge and understanding of the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. They will be more acquainted with the places where Spanish is spoken, will have explored some of the main cultural, social, and historical events of the Hispanic world, and will have increased their awareness of the U.S. Hispanic/Latinx communities.

CONNECTIONS. Students will be able to acquire new information and reinforce their knowledge of other disciplines through the Spanish language.

COMPARISONS. Students will have developed new insights into the nature of language and culture that will allow them to establish comparisons not only between languages, but also between the Hispanic and Latinx cultures and their own.

COMMUNITIES. Students will be able to use the Spanish language to participate in Hispanic and Latinx communities at home and around the world.

