Spanish 101 - Group projects

You will complete three group projects in this course, one per chapter. These three group projects count as 15% of your final grade.

Group projects are completed in groups of three students and involve:

  • a collaboratively written text (50 points)
  • a 2-minute video recorded group presentation (30 points)
  • a 4-minute class discussion (20 points)

The collaboratively written text and the video recorded presentation will be completed by the three students, outside class time, using Google docs and Zoom. These two tasks are completed collaboratively, which means that all the students in the group are responsible for all the work and will therefore receive the same grade.

The 2-minute video recorded presentation will be presented in class, on the dates posted on the calendar. This presentation will be followed by a 4-minute Q&A in which students will answer questions from their classmates and their teacher. Each student will be graded individually for their participation in the Q&A. Each member of the group must participate!

Due dates for written texts, video recorded presentations and in-class discussions are posted on the course calendar. Instructions on the content and format of each group project will be given in class.

If you cannot complete a group project on the due dates because of a justified reason, you may complete the project individually. You need to contact your teacher as soon as possible to discuss  alternatives. During COVID-19, justified reasons include: illness, internet outage, and taking care of dependents (sick family members, school-age children at home...).

The collaboratively written text will be completed in Google docs. Students will give access to their Google doc to the teacher, who may check the editing history of the document and/or use a software like DocuViz or AuthorViz to make sure all students participated actively in the production of the text. If there is evidence that one student did not participate in the collaborative writing process, this student will receive a ZERO.


WRITTEN TEXT (group grade):

  Excellent (A) Good (B) Fair (C) Poor (D) Unsatisfactory (E)
Content and organization (20 points) 20 - 18 17 - 16 15 - 14 13 - 12 11 - 0
Language use (30 points) 30 - 27 26 - 24 23 - 21 20 - 18 17 - 0


  Excellent (A) Good (B) Fair (C) Poor (D) Unsatisfactory (E)
Design and creativity (15 points) 15 - 13.5 13 - 12 11.5 – 10.5 10 - 9 8 - 0
Language use (15 points) 15 - 13.5 13 - 12 11.5 – 10.5 10 - 9 8 - 0

IN-CLASS DISCUSSION (individual grade):

  Excellent (A) Good (B) Fair (C) Poor (D) Unsatisfactory (E)
Q&A (20 points) 20 - 18 17 - 16 15 - 14 13 - 12 11 - 0
While completing your group project, you can use a dictionary and check the grammar charts in your textbook, but you ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE AN ONLINE TRANSLATION PROGRAM or a chatbot such as CHAG GPT. This will be considered CHEATING.

EXCELLENT: all instructions provided by the teacher are followed carefully; required format and length; very complete information; ideas supported with detail and evidence: logically and clearly organized information; fully cohesive text; evidence of a collaborative effort in all sections of the text
GOOD: follows most of the instructions provided by the teacher; required format and length; adequate information; some ideas lack supporting detail or evidence; mostly logically and clearly organized information; very cohesive text; evidence of a collaborative effort in all sections of the text
FAIR: follows some of the instructions provided by the teacher; format acceptable; almost required length; limited information; lack of supporting detail or evidence; lacks logical sequencing of ideas; ineffective ordering; cohesion problems; evidence of students working independently in different sections of the text
POOR: follows very few of the instructions provided by the teacher; format not acceptable; too short; minimal information; inappropriate or irrelevant information; disconnected ideas; no apparent order to the content; lack of cohesion; students worked independently in different sections of the text and did not edit their final work to avoid repetitions and mismatches
UNSATISFACTORY: not enough information to evaluate

EXCELLENT: precise and accurate use of grammar and vocabulary presented in lesson; rich and varied vocabulary; almost no errors or no errors at all in grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation
GOOD: several examples of grammar and vocabulary presented in lesson; limited variety of vocabulary; few errors in grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation; errors do not hinder understanding
FAIR: a few accurate examples of grammar and vocabulary presented in lesson; some words are used repetitively; frequent errors in grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation; some errors hinder understanding
POOR: very few accurate examples of grammar and vocabulary presented in lesson; use of English words, literal translations and invented words; very frequent errors in grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation; errors make understanding difficult
UNSATISFACTORY: not enough information to evaluate; message is incomprehensible

EXCELLENT: all instructions provided by the teacher are followed carefully; all members of the group actively contribute and do an equal amount of work; presentation is within the time limit; visual aids are used effectively and appropriately (as requested by the prompt); presentation is  highly creative, dynamic, and holds audience attention
GOOD: follows most of the instructions provided by the teacher; presentation is within the time limit; all members of the group actively contribute and do an equal amount of work; visual aids are appropriate (as requested by the prompt); presentation is creative, dynamic, and holds audience attention most of the time
FAIR: follows some of the instructions provided by the teacher; presentation is too short or too long; not all students contribute at the same level; ineffective use of visual aids (as requested by the prompt); presentation lacks creativity and rhythm, often fails at holding audience attention
POOR: follows very few of the instructions provided by the teacher; too short; not all members of the group are contributing actively; minimal use of visual aids (as requested by the prompt); presentation is too difficult to follow
UNSATISFACTORY: not enough information to evaluate

EXCELLENT: precise and accurate use of grammar and vocabulary needed for task; foreign accent but almost no errors or no errors at all in pronunciation; appropriate intonation; students express themselves with ease and minimal hesitation; errors do not interfere with communication of the message
GOOD: students use appropriate grammar and vocabulary most of the time; few errors in pronunciation and intonation; students express themselves with ease most of the time; minimal hesitation most of the time; errors do not interfere with communication of the message
FAIR: students use appropriate grammar and vocabulary sometimes but not most of the time; frequent errors in pronunciation and intonation; students express themselves with ease sometimes but not most of the time; frequent hesitation, errors interfere with communication of the message
POOR: students do not use appropriate grammar and vocabulary; very frequent errors in pronunciation and intonation; students do not express themselves with ease; very frequent hesitation; errors often prevent communication of the message
UNSATISFACTORY: not enough information to evaluate; message is incomprehensible

EXCELLENT: student understands questions and responds effectively; student speaks spontaneously and with ease, no memorized material; no English use; linguistic errors do not interfere with communication of the message; student participates actively without dominating the conversation
GOOD: student understands questions and responds effectively most of the time; student speaks spontaneously but with some hesitation, no memorized material; occasional English use; linguistic errors and English use do not interfere with communication of the message; student participates actively most of the time and tends not to dominate the conversation
FAIR: student understands and responds effectively to some but not most of the questions; student speaks spontaneously but with frequent hesitation, no memorized material; frequent English use; some linguistic errors and English use interfere with communication of the message; student participates significantly less than other members of the group or tries to dominate the conversation
POOR: student misunderstands many of the questions and/or does not respond logically; student speaks spontaneously but with very frequent hesitation, no memorized material; minimal effort to use Spanish; errors often prevent communication of the message; student makes minimal effort to participate
UNSATISFACTORY: memorized material; not enough spontaneous speech to evaluate; message is incomprehensible.
