Assistant Professor, Spanish Contact Information PDL C-202 Fields of Interest Medieval Textual Studies Biography Ph.D. Spanish Literature, Yale University, 2017 M.A. Spanish Literature, University of Washington, 2009 Curriculum Vitae (236.5 KB) Courses Taught Autumn 2024SPAN 312 C: Literature and Culture: 1300-1800 SPAN 394 A: Special Topics in Spanish Literature Spring 2024SPAN 304 A: Survey of Spanish Literature: 1140-1498 SPAN 480 A: Spanish Medieval Literature Winter 2024SPAN 491 A: Individual Authors and Special Topics in Spanish Literature Autumn 2023SPAN 394 A: Special Topics in Spanish Literature Winter 2023SPAN 591 A: Literary Problems: Middle Ages Autumn 2022SPAN 304 A: Survey of Spanish Literature: 1140-1498 Spring 2022SPAN 315 A: Spanish for Bilingual/Heritage Students SPAN 394 A: Special Topics in Spanish Literature Related News Related News Letter From the Chair (May 18, 2022) New to the Department: Dr. Juan Pablo Rodríguez Argente (April 21, 2022)