Spanish 102 - Speaking tasks

You will complete three speaking tasks in this course, on the dates assigned on the course calendar. These three speaking tasks count as 10% of your final grade.

Each speaking task will consist of a video recorded conversation between you and one of your classmates. Your teacher will give you instructions in class about the nature of each of conversation, their duration, and the due dates.

Each student will be graded individually based on both individual contributions and interaction with the group. Each student must participate!

Due dates for the speaking tasks are posted on the course calendar. Submissions will not be accepted after the due date without a justified reason. Please check the dates on the course calendar and make sure you make the necessary arrangements on your own calendar to be able to submit your video recording on time.

If you cannot submit your video recording on the due date because of a justified reason, let your teacher know as soon as possible to discuss possible alternatives. During COVID-19, justified reasons include: illness, internet outage, and taking care of dependents (sick family members, school-age children at home...)


Excellent (A) Good (B) Fair (C) Poor (D) Unsatisfactory (E)
Content (30 points) 30 - 27 26 - 24 23 - 21 20 - 18 17 - 0
Linguistic accuracy (40 points) 40 - 36 35 - 32 31 - 28 27 - 24 22 - 0
Fluency and ease of expression (15 points) 15 - 13.5 13 - 12 11.5 – 10.5 10 - 9 8 - 0
Interaction/Conversation dynamics (15 points) 15 - 13.5 13 - 12 11.5 – 10.5 10 - 9 8 - 0

EXCELLENT: student understands the prompt; addresses all questions or topics included in the prompt providing complete and detailed information; all instructions are followed carefully
GOOD: student understands the prompt; addresses most of the questions or topics included in the prompt providing adequate information; follows
most of the instructions
FAIR: student misunderstands some aspects of the prompt; addresses some of the questions or topics included in the prompt but not others; provides limited information; follows some of the instructions but not others
POOR: student misunderstands most aspects of the prompt; addresses very few of the questions or topics included in the prompt; provides minimal information; does not follow most of the instructions
UNSATISFACTORY: not enough spontaneous speech produced to evaluate; message is incomprehensible

EXCELLENT: student uses the grammar and vocabulary required by the task; incorporates a variety of words related to the topic; does not use English; makes almost no pronunciation and intonation errors; linguistic errors do not interfere with communication of the message
GOOD: student uses the grammar and vocabulary required by the task most of the time; incorporates some variety of words related to the topic; does not use English; makes few pronunciation and intonation errors; most linguistic errors do not interfere with communication of the message
FAIR: student sometimes uses the grammar and vocabulary needed for task completion, but not most of the time; repeats use of a few words; resorts to English sometimes; makes frequent pronunciation and intonation errors; linguistic errors interfere with communication of the message
POOR: students does not use the grammar and vocabulary required by the task; resorts to English repeatedly; makes very frequent pronunciation and intonation errors; linguistic errors often prevent communication of the message
UNSATISFACTORY: not enough spontaneous speech produced to evaluate; message is incomprehensible

EXCELLENT: student speaks spontaneously, no memorized material; expresses self with ease; minimal hesitation
GOOD: student speaks spontaneously, no memorized material; expresses self with ease most of the time; minimal hesitation most of the time
FAIR: student speaks spontaneously, no memorized material; expresses self with ease but not most of the time; frequent hesitation
POOR: student speaks spontaneously, no memorized material; little ease of expression; very frequent hesitation
UNSATISFACTORY: memorized material; not enough spontaneous speech produced to evaluate; message is incomprehensible

EXCELLENT: student responds effectively to peer's questions and contributions; takes the lead on occasion by asking relevant questions without dominating; actively listens and pays attention to what others are saying; there is balance in the conversation
GOOD: student responds effectively to peer's questions and contributions most of the time; takes the lead on occasion by asking questions without dominating; actively listens and pays attention to what others are saying; there is balance in the conversation most of the time
FAIR: student often misunderstands peers’ questions or contributions, and/or does not respond logically; tends to react rather than initiate; interest in the conversation is not evident; the conversation is off-balance most of the time
POOR: student misunderstands most of peers’ questions or contributions, and/or does not respond logically; waits to be asked questions and never initiates; body language suggests lack of interest in the conversation; minimal effort to interact; the conversation is off-balance
UNSATISFACTORY: not enough spontaneous speech produced to evaluate; message is incomprehensible
