
Contact Information
PDL C-104-B
Office Hours
MW 8 am-12 noon. T 8-9 am, 10 am-12 noon, 1-4:30 pm. Th,F 8 am-12 noon & 1-4:30 pm.
Spanish and Portuguese Studies functions
- Help manage the division's finances, including state funds, endowment funds, self-sustaining funds, and grant funds. Help develop and monitor budgets, including income and expenditures.
- Help with human resources, including supervising two staff positions and helping to facilitate hiring, reclassifications, support, and separation of other staff, faculty, and graduate student employees. Delegate the use of UW systems to other employees.
- Consult with division chair and other faculty and staff regarding State, UW, and division policies and procedures.
- Help with space planning, reporting, and upkeep.
- Help with development and advancement.
- Manage the division's main office.