Spanish and Portuguese Studies is adding two new sections for Summer 2017: SPAN 323 and SPAN 484.
The department is adding a section of SPAN 323 for Summer 2017, A-term. If you have a conflict this spring that prevents you from taking the class, you can take it Summer 2017!
Also: Prof. Robles will offer SPAN 484 Summer 2017 B-term, replacing SPAN 329. Enterprising students may now take two Summer quarter 400-level classes; SPAN 479 A-term, and SPAN 484 B-term.
If you have friends who are minoring in Spanish, they are also welcome to take SPAN 479 and/or SPAN 484, as long as they’ve met the prerequisites (SPAN 303 or 316; and SPAN 321).
Classes will appear on the Summer 2017 Time Schedule once the Times Schedule Office at the Registrar creates the courses and assigns a room. The Time Schedule Office will make these additions sometime before registration opens in April. You can find the details in our tentative schedule on our website:
If you have any questions, contact Senior Academic Councilor Suzanna Martínez at