Courses - Autumn 2020
Listings for future quarters are tentative and subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please consult the UW Time Schedule. For a listing of all courses potentially offered, see the Course Catalog.
Autumn 2020
Course | Course Title (click for details) | SLN | Instructor | Meeting Time |
PORT 110 A | Accelerated Elementary Portuguese | 20676 |
PORT 110 B | Accelerated Elementary Portuguese | 20677 |
PORT 202 A | Intermediate Portuguese | 20678 |
PORT 365 A | Mapping Luso-Brazilian Cultures | 22982 |
Course | Course Title (click for details) | SLN | Instructor | Meeting Time |
SPAN 101 A | Elementary Spanish | 21487 |
SPAN 102 A | Elementary Spanish | 21488 |
SPAN 102 B | Elementary Spanish | 21489 |
SPAN 103 B | Elementary Spanish | 21499 |
SPAN 103 C | Elementary Spanish | 21507 |
SPAN 103 D | Elementary Spanish | 21513 |
SPAN 103 E | Elementary Spanish | 21515 |
SPAN 201 B | Intermediate Spanish | 21523 |
SPAN 201 C | Intermediate Spanish | 21524 |
SPAN 201 D | Intermediate Spanish | 21525 |
SPAN 202 B | Intermediate Spanish | 21539 |
SPAN 202 C | Intermediate Spanish | 21540 |
SPAN 203 B | Intermediate Spanish | 21542 |
SPAN 203 C | Intermediate Spanish | 21543 |
SPAN 216 A | Spanish for Heritage Learners | 21544 |
SPAN 301 A | Advanced Spanish | 21545 |
SPAN 301 B | Advanced Spanish | 21546 |
SPAN 302 A | Advanced Spanish | 21547 |
SPAN 302 B | Advanced Spanish | 21548 |
SPAN 303 A | Advanced Spanish | 21549 |
SPAN 303 B | Advanced Spanish | 21550 |
SPAN 304 A | Survey of Spanish Literature: 1140-1498 | 21551 |
SPAN 314 A | Spanish for Bilingual/Heritage Students | 21552 |
SPAN 316 A | Stylistics and Composition for Heritage Students | 21553 |
SPAN 321 A | Introduction to Hispanic Literary Studies | 21554 |
SPAN 323 A | Introduction to Spanish Linguistics | 23546 |
SPAN 331 A | Themes in Mexican-American Studies | 22935 |
SPAN 360 A | Contemporary Spain | 21556 |
SPAN 390 A | Supervised Study | 21557 |
SPAN 392 A | Experiential Learning in Spanish | 21558 |
SPAN 392 B | Experiential Learning in Spanish | 21559 |
SPAN 392 C | Experiential Learning in Spanish | 21560 |
SPAN 392 D | Experiential Learning in Spanish | 21561 |
SPAN 392 E | Experiential Learning in Spanish | 21562 |
SPAN 424 A | Hispanic Poetry: 1870 - 1936 | 23545 |
SPAN 465 A | Contemporary Chicano Literature | 22936 |
SPAN 470 A | Andean Cultures and Communities: Identities, Artists, and Innovators | 23518 |
SPAN 472 A | Colonial Prose | 21565 |
SPAN 490 A | Honors Seminar | 21567 |
SPAN 499 A | Special Topics | 21568 |
SPAN 499 B | Special Topics | 21569 |
SPAN 510 A | Methodology of Spanish Language Teaching | 21570 |
SPAN 593 A | Literary Problems: Golden Age | 21571 |
SPAN 600 A | Independent Study or Research | 21572 |
SPAN 610 A | Reading Credit for Graduate Exams | 21573 |
SPAN 700 A | Master's Thesis | 21574 |
SPAN 800 A | Doctoral Dissertation | 21575 |