Spanish 203 - Course Objectives

Following the National Standards for Foreign Language Learning the objectives of the second-year intermediate-level Spanish language series are organized around five main areas:

COMMUNICATION. At the end of the 200-level series students will have acquired an intermediate high proficiency level, which means they will be able to communicate with ease and confidence when dealing with everyday routine tasks and will have the skills to participate in conversations requiring an exchange of basic information related to common topics, such as work or school, or their personal interests. More specifically, students completing SPANISH 203 will be able to:

  • Describe traditions, celebrations, and rituals
  • Express opinions about events
  • Talk about past events
  • Express impersonality using a variety of different constructions
  • Intensify using a variety of different resources
  • Create a promotion campaign
  • Write a report
  • Express emotions, feelings, and opinions
  • Give advice, persuade and influence others
  • Thank, congratulate, and apologize
  • Make a polite request
  • Discuss about discrimination and society
  • Formulate conditions and hypothesis referring to the future, the present, and the past
  • Express wishes
  • Discuss over past and future events
  • Report somebody else's words
  • Write expository, argumentative, and academic texts
  • Give academic presentations

CULTURES. Students completing SPANISH 203 will have:

  • Gained a deeper knowledge and understanding of the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world and become more acquainted with the places where Spanish is spoken.
  • Increased their awareness of the U.S. Hispanic/Latino communities, through readings, videos, and classroom discussions.
  • Watched, analyzed, and discussed short movies from different Spanish-speaking countries, displaying different varieties of the Spanish language. Developed the cultural knowledge to understand the context and background of these short films.
  • Explored some of the main cultural, social, and historical events of the Hispanic speaking world.
  • Read, analyzed, and discussed short stories, essays, and poems from some of the most well-known Spanish writers.

CONNECTIONS. Students will be able to acquire new information and reinforce their knowledge of other disciplines through the Spanish language.

COMPARISONS. Students will have developed new insights into the nature of language and culture that will allow them to establish comparisons not only between languages, but also between the Hispanic and Latinx cultures and their own.

COMMUNITIES. Students will be able to use the Spanish language to participate in Hispanic and Latinx communities at home and around the world.
